Direct Graphical Models  v.1.7.0
Demo Train

In this demo, we consider the case when the training data is aviable. In this example the trainig data is represented in form of manually labelled images. The original images Original Image.jpg are color-infrared images, and the grounftruth images GroundTruth Image.jpg have 6 different classes, namely road, traffic island, grass, agriculture, tree and car (instances of which are not represented in image).

In this example DGM uses 3 features extacted from the Original Image.jpg (Please refer to the Demo Feature Extraction for details). One image is used for training and another - for testing. Finally, we evaluate the results by comparing the lebelled image with the groundtruth.

Input Training Images
Original Image.jpg
Feature Vector.jpg
Ground Truth.jpg

Input Testing Images
Original Image.jpg
Feature Vector.jpg
Ground Truth.jpg (for evaluation)
Resulting Class Map
#include "DGM.h"
#include "VIS.h"
#include "DGM\timer.h"
using namespace DirectGraphicalModels;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const Size imgSize = Size(400, 400);
const int width = imgSize.width;
const int height = imgSize.height;
const byte nStates = 6; // {road, traffic island, grass, agriculture, tree, car}
const word nFeatures = 3;
if (argc != 9) {
return 0;
// Reading parameters and images
int nodeModel = atoi(argv[1]); // node training model
int edgeModel = atoi(argv[2]); // edge training model
Mat train_fv = imread(argv[3], 1); resize(train_fv, train_fv, imgSize, 0, 0, INTER_LANCZOS4); // training image feature vector
Mat train_gt = imread(argv[4], 0); resize(train_gt, train_gt, imgSize, 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST); // groundtruth for training
Mat test_fv = imread(argv[5], 1); resize(test_fv, test_fv, imgSize, 0, 0, INTER_LANCZOS4); // testing image feature vector
Mat test_gt = imread(argv[6], 0); resize(test_gt, test_gt, imgSize, 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST); // groundtruth for evaluation
Mat test_img = imread(argv[7], 1); resize(test_img, test_img, imgSize, 0, 0, INTER_LANCZOS4); // testing image
// Preparing parameters for edge trainers
vec_float_t vParams = {100, 0.01f};
if (edgeModel <= 1 || edgeModel == 4) vParams.pop_back(); // Potts and Concat models need ony 1 parameter
if (edgeModel == 0) vParams[0] = 1; // Emulate "No edges"
else edgeModel--;
auto nodeTrainer = CTrainNode::create(nodeModel, nStates, nFeatures);
auto edgeTrainer = CTrainEdge::create(edgeModel, nStates, nFeatures);
CGraphPairwise graph(nStates);
CGraphPairwiseExt graphExt(graph);
CInferLBP decoder(graph);
CCMat confMat(nStates);
// ==================== STAGE 1: Building the graph ====================
Timer::start("Building the Graph... ");
// ========================= STAGE 2: Training =========================
Timer::start("Training... ");
// Node Training (compact notation)
nodeTrainer->addFeatureVecs(train_fv, train_gt);
// Edge Training (comprehensive notation)
Mat featureVector1(nFeatures, 1, CV_8UC1);
Mat featureVector2(nFeatures, 1, CV_8UC1);
for (int y = 1; y < height; y++) {
byte *pFv1 = train_fv.ptr<byte>(y);
byte *pFv2 = train_fv.ptr<byte>(y - 1);
byte *pGt1 = train_gt.ptr<byte>(y);
byte *pGt2 = train_gt.ptr<byte>(y - 1);
for (int x = 1; x < width; x++) {
for (word f = 0; f < nFeatures; f++)<byte>(f, 0) = pFv1[nFeatures * x + f]; // featureVector1 = fv[x][y]
for (word f = 0; f < nFeatures; f++)<byte>(f, 0) = pFv1[nFeatures * (x - 1) + f]; // featureVector2 = fv[x-1][y]
edgeTrainer->addFeatureVecs(featureVector1, pGt1[x], featureVector2, pGt1[x-1]);
edgeTrainer->addFeatureVecs(featureVector2, pGt1[x-1], featureVector1, pGt1[x]);
for (word f = 0; f < nFeatures; f++)<byte>(f, 0) = pFv2[nFeatures * x + f]; // featureVector2 = fv[x][y-1]
edgeTrainer->addFeatureVecs(featureVector1, pGt1[x], featureVector2, pGt2[x]);
edgeTrainer->addFeatureVecs(featureVector2, pGt2[x], featureVector1, pGt1[x]);
} // x
} // y
// ==================== STAGE 3: Filling the Graph =====================
Timer::start("Filling the Graph... ");
Mat nodePotentials = nodeTrainer->getNodePotentials(test_fv); // Classification: CV_32FC(nStates) <- CV_8UC(nFeatures)
graphExt.setGraph(nodePotentials); // Filling-in the graph nodes
graphExt.fillEdges(*edgeTrainer, test_fv, vParams); // Filling-in the graph edges with pairwise potentials
// ========================= STAGE 4: Decoding =========================
Timer::start("Decoding... ");
vec_byte_t optimalDecoding = decoder.decode(100);
// ====================== Evaluation =======================
Mat solution(imgSize, CV_8UC1,;
confMat.estimate(test_gt, solution); // compare solution with the groundtruth
char str[255];
sprintf(str, "Accuracy = %.2f%%", confMat.getAccuracy());
printf("%s\n", str);
// ====================== Visualization =======================
marker.markClasses(test_img, solution);
rectangle(test_img, Point(width - 160, height- 18), Point(width, height), CV_RGB(0,0,0), -1);
putText(test_img, str, Point(width - 155, height - 5), cv::HersheyFonts::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.45, CV_RGB(225, 240, 255), 1, cv::LineTypes::LINE_AA);
imwrite(argv[8], test_img);
imshow("Image", test_img);
return 0;

Please note, that in this tutorial we used the Extended Graph class: DirectGraphicalModels::CGraphPairwiseExt, which is built upon the regular Graph class and adds wrappers for common DGM operations on rectangular images. Among other wrappers it has one wrapper for graph building (used in the Stage 1) and other wrappers for nodes / edges classification (used in Stage 3).