6 #include "IGraphPairwise.h" 32 DllExport
virtual vec_byte_t
decode(Mat &lossMatrix = EmptyMat)
47 void setState(vec_byte_t &state, qword configuration)
53 void incState(vec_byte_t &state)
virtual vec_byte_t decode(Mat &lossMatrix=EmptyMat) const
Exact decoding.
CGraph & getGraph(void) const
Returns the reference to the graph.
virtual ~CDecodeExact(void)
vec_float_t calculatePotentials(void) const
Calculates potentials for all possible configurations.
void incState(vec_byte_t &state) const
Increases the state by one, i.e. switches the state array to the consequent configuration.
CDecodeExact(IGraphPairwise &graph)
void setState(vec_byte_t &state, qword configuration) const
Sets the state according to the configuration index configuration.
Base abstract class for random model decoding.
Interface class for graphical models.
IGraphPairwise & getGraphPairwise(void) const
Returns the graph.