5 #include "BaseRandomModel.h" 22 DllExport
virtual ~IPDF(
void) {}
28 DllExport
virtual void addPoint(Scalar point) = 0;
34 DllExport
virtual double getDensity(Scalar point) = 0;
39 DllExport
virtual Scalar
const = 0;
44 DllExport
virtual Scalar
const = 0;
bool isEstimated(void)
Checks weather the PDF was estimated.
virtual void addPoint(Scalar point)=0
Adds a sample point for PDF estimation.
virtual double getDensity(Scalar point)=0
Returns the probability density value for the argument point.
virtual Scalar min(void) const =0
Returns the lower argument boundary of the PDF.
long m_nPoints
The number of samples, added with the addPoint() function.
Base abstract class for random model training.
virtual Scalar max(void) const =0
Returns the upper argument boundary of the PDF.
Interface class for Probability Density Function (PDF)