6 #include "glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp" 34 ,
m_up(phi >= 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f)
53 void rotate(
float dTheta,
float dPhi);
54 void zoom(
float dRadius);
55 void pan(
float dx,
float dy);
glm::vec3 getCameraPosition(void) const
glm::vec3 getCameraOrintation(void) const
virtual ~CTrackballCamera(void)
glm::mat4 getViewMatrix(void)
Returns the view matrix within the camera coordinate.
void updateViewMatrix(void)
CTrackballCamera(float theta, float phi, float radius)
void reset(void)
Resets the camera position.
void rotate(float dTheta, float dPhi)
void pan(float dx, float dy)