22 DllExport
virtual void reset(
24 DllExport
virtual void addPoint(Scalar point);
25 DllExport
virtual double getDensity(Scalar point);
26 DllExport
virtual Scalar
const {
return Scalar(0); }
27 DllExport
virtual Scalar
const {
return Scalar(255); }
34 DllExport
void smooth(
int nIt = 1);
38 DllExport
virtual void saveFile(FILE *pFile)
39 DllExport
virtual void loadFile(FILE *pFile);
virtual void addPoint(Scalar point)
Adds a sample point for PDF estimation.
virtual Scalar min(void) const
Returns the lower argument boundary of the PDF.
void smooth(int nIt=1)
Performs the gaussian smoothing on the histogram.
virtual void loadFile(FILE *pFile)
Loads the random model from the file.
virtual void saveFile(FILE *pFile) const
Saves the random model into the file.
Histogram-based PDF class (1D)
Interface class for Probability Density Function (PDF)
virtual ~CPDFHistogram(void)
virtual double getDensity(Scalar point)
Returns the probability density value for the argument point.
virtual void reset(void)
Resets class variables.
virtual Scalar max(void) const
Returns the upper argument boundary of the PDF.