81 DllExport
void close(
126 Mat
int maxHeight,
int activeState = -1)
void close(void) const
Closes the histogram window.
vec_string_t m_vFeatureNames
static const double frgWeight
std::vector< std::pair< Scalar, std::string > > vec_nColor_t
Mat drawHistogram(void) const
Draws a figure with the visualization of feature densitiy distributions.
Default Pallete with 12 colors.
Mat drawFeatureHistogram(word f, int activeState=-1) const
Draws a single feature histogram.
Mat drawHistogram2D(void) const
Draws a figure with the visualization of 2-dimensional node potentials histogram. ...
static const std::string wndName
virtual ~CMarkerHistogram(void)=default
const CTrainNode & m_nodeTrainer
The node trainer.
CMarkerHistogram(const CTrainNode &nodeTrainer, default_pallete palette=DEF_PALETTE_12, vec_string_t vFeatureNames=vec_string_t())
Constructor with default palette.
void showHistogram(void)
Visualizes the feature densitiy distributions in a separate window with user interaction.
Mat drawClassificationMap2D(float Z) const
Draws a figure with the visualization of 2-dimensional classification map.
CMarkerHistogram(const CTrainNode &nodeTrainer, const vec_nColor_t &vPalette, vec_string_t vFeatureNames=vec_string_t())
Constructor with custom palette.
Mat drawLegend(int maxHeight, int activeState=-1) const
Draws a legend to the main figure.
Default palettes.
Mat drawFeatureHistogram2D(word f, int activeState=-1) const
Draws a 2-dimensional feature histogram.
Base abstract class for node potentials training.
int getActiveState(Scalar color) const
Retrieves a chosen by an user state, from the color.
static const byte bkgIntencity